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Mark 4/4F Armored Reconnaissance Car


Country of Origin/Used by: South Africa
First Produced/Service Dates: 1942-43
Manufactured by: Marmon-Herrington
Crew:  3
Armament: Turret: 2 pdr Cannon; Co-Axial: None. (Early Vehicles)/ Vickers .303 or .30 Browning Machine Gun (Later Vehicles); AA Defense: .50 cal HMG (Early Vehicles)/ .30 Browning MG's (Later Vehicles).
Engine: 8 Cylinder Petrol
Miscellaneous: The Marmon-Herrington Mark 4/4F was an very different vehicle when compared to the earlier Mark 1, Mark 2 and Mark 3 versions due to the use of a monocoque hull instead of a separate chassis and hull.  The basic difference between the Mark 4 and 4F vehicles was that the 4F used Canadian 4x4 Truck/Lorry Parts instead of the M-H built ones used on the Mark 4. 
Data Sheet Available:   Marmon-Herrington Mark IV ARC Data Sheet (by David Haugh)
Data Sheet Available:   Marmon-Herrington Mark IVF ARC Data Sheet (by David Haugh)


Reference Source/Provider
Marmon-Herrington Mark 4 Armored Reconnaissance Car Photos (Taken at National Museum of Military History  - South Africa) Karl Furrutter - South Africa
Marmon-Herrington Mark 4 Armored Reconnaissance Car Photos (Taken at the Tank Museum - Bovington, UK) Joel Gewirtz - Northbrook, Illnois USA
      Marmon-Herrington Mark 4 Armored Reconnaissance Car Photos Robert Goldman - Kfar Saba, Israel
Marmon-Herrington Mark 4 Armored Reconnaissance Car Photos (Taken at Musee' des Blindes - Saumur, France) Christophe Jacquemont - Washington, D.C. USA
  Marmon-Herrington Mark 4 Armored Reconnaissance Car Photo Stephen Tegner - South Africa
Marmon-Herrington Mark 4 Armored Reconnaissance Car Photos (Taken at the Tank Museum - Bovington, UK) Dennis Trowbridge - Bristol, UK
Marmon-Herrington Mark 4 Armored Reconnaissance Car Photos (Taken at Musee' des Blindes - Saumur, France) Dennis Trowbridge
Marmon-Herrington Mark 4 Armored Recon Ca Photos (Taken at the National Museum of Military History - South Africa Marius van Aardt - South Africa

References Available


Reference Source/Provider
"A Brief History of the Marmon Herrington Range of Armoured Cars" Karl Furrutter - South Africa
"Armored Cars of the Cyprus National Guard" by T. Metsovitis Armored Car - The Wheeled Fighting Vehicle Journal (Issue #12)
Line Drawing of A Greek Marmon-Herrington Mk IVF (Reprinted with Permission by IPMS/Greece & Authors) Armored Car - The Wheeled Fighting Vehicle Journal (Issue #8)
"Marmon-Herrington Mk IVF"  (Reprinted with Permission by IPMS/Greece & Authors) Armored Car - The Wheeled Fighting Vehicle Journal (Issue #8)


Reference Author
A Photo History of Armoured Cars In Two World Wars George Forty
Armoured Cars (Marmon-Herrington, Alvis-Straussler, Light Reconnaissance) - AFV Weapons Profile #30 B.T. White
British Armoured Cars: 1914-1945 B.T. White
"Desert Rarity" (Up-Gunned Marmon-Herrington Mark IV Armored Cars) in the February 2013 Issue of Military Machines International Magazine Kuno Gross
Encyclopedia of Armoured Cars Duncan Crow & Robert J. Icks
Israeli Improvised Armoured Vehicles & Jeeps: 1947-1949 (Military Briefs No.6- Mouse House Enterprises)

Book Review by Patrick Keenan: Editor
John Myszka
Marmon Herrington: History of the South African Reconnaissance Car (ACG Special #1) (Model Centrum/PROGRES) William Marshall
Surviving The Ride: A Pictorial History of South African Manufactured Mine-Protected Vehicles (30 Degrees South Publications) Steve Camp & Helmoed-Romer Heitman

Hobby Modeling

Kits and Accessories

Model Kit Manufacturer Scale Other Information
Marmon-Herrington Mark IV/IVF Model Kit Commander Models, Inc 1/35 Multi-Media;  Original Model out of production.  New-tooled model kit released in 2012.
Marmon-Herrington Mark IV/IVF Model Kit Wild Hogs' Models 1/72 Resin

Model Photos

Reference Source/Provider
  Marmon-Herrington Mark IV/IVF Model Kit (1/35 Commander Models Display Model) Patrick Keenan - Editor