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Supacat Medium Utility Vehicle (MUV)


Country of Origin/Used by: Australia
First Produced/Service Dates: 2024
Manufactured by: Automotive Components: Toyota Motor Corporation; Assembly/Construction: Supacat Asia Pacific (Supacat Pty Ltd)
Crew: Depending on Configuration/Variant
Armament: Depending on Configuration/Variant. A Remote Weapon System and/or multiple weapon mounts can be utilized, most likely mounting common weapons, including 5.56mm Machine Gun, 7.62mm MG, 12.7mm Heavy MG, and 40mm Automated Grenade Launcher. Also, it is likely that some variant(s) would have anti-tank capability.
Engine: 4 Cylinder Turbo-Diesel (Upgraded Engine Available)
Miscellaneous Info: Supacat Group's Australian based subsidiary, Supacat Asia Pacific (Supacat Pty Ltd), designed the Medium Utility Vehicle (MUV) platform to bridge the size/capability gap between its successful ATMP and HMT Vehicles, with its 3-ton payload. The MUV is modular in design to maximize its flexibility in equipment it can be fitted with and missions/duties it can perform. The MUV is built using the Toyota Hi-Lux cab body, engine and other mechanicals mated with a custom designed chassis by Supacat.  The vehicle can be built in 4x4 or 6x6 drive configurations, fitted with a single or double cab and can be right- or left-hand drive, while using many commercial off the shelf (COTS) parts. In addition, the vehicle can be unarmored or fitted with ballistic armor and/or blast protection and also be armed with various weapon mounts and/or remote weapon systems. Announced or shown MUV configurations/variants include Ambulance, High-Payload Utility Vehicle, Light Strike, Reconnaissance/Surveillance, and Troop Carrier.
Data Sheet Available:   Medium Utility Vehicle Specifications Sheet via Supacat Asia Pacific (Supacat Pty Ltd)


Reference Source/Provider
Medium Utility Vehicle Photos Supacat Asia Pacific (Supacat Pty Ltd)

References Available


Reference Source/Provider
Medium Utility Vehicle Information & Photos Asian Military Review
Medium Utility Vehicle Information & Photos Drive
Medium Utility Vehicle Information & Photos Supacat Asia Pacific (Supacat Pty Ltd)


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Hobby Modeling

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