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"What's New" Items

Here is a listing of "What's New" on WarWheels.Net.  The information is listed by date updated with the most recent dates on top and older items at the bottom. Information Prior to January 1, 2025 is listed in the Archives below.

Date Item Updated or Added
March 24, 2025 Well, we're finally done for now covering "Springbok" vehicles, with the addition of a new index covering the South African Heavy Armored Car, Mark 5.
March 22nd We've put up Jon Bernstein's new review of the Casemate book titled "Eight-Wheeled Warriors and Grunts: US Marine LAV and Infantry Operations, Spring 2004".
March 21st One more submission from Don Allen today; photos of his 1/35 Mirror Models Otter Mark 1 LRC kit.
March 20th Today we have a little "palate cleanser" in the form of additional 1/35 Canadian Ferret Mark 1 Model Photos courtesy of WarWheels Super-Supporter, Major (Retired) Don Allen. Don's most recent project is on the top of the page.
March 19th Still plugging along on the South African subjects.  Today, we've posted an improved index covering the South African Recon Car (Marmon-Herrington), Mark 6.  In this case we've also added close to 50 more photos.
March 16th As things sometimes go, after we post something, we come up with more stuff on the same subject.  In this case, we have some beautiful photos from Stephen Tegner again, these covering the Marmon-Herrington Mark 3 MFF and Marmon-Herrington Mark 4A
March 15th Peter Bryant has sent more pics of "Wolf" Landies from Salisbury Plain.  I've added a couple dozen photos which include a few Soft Tops, more Hard Tops and some of the "Pulse" Ambulance.  To find them, go to Peter's established "TUM" pages on our Landy Wolf Index and you'll be able to see them.
March 11th We're back to our South African entries with a new and improved index covering the Marmon-Herrington Mark 4A/4F ARC.
March 10th Peter Bryant our "correspondent" at the British Army's Salisbury Plain Training Area, is back again with photos he took there of Exercise Wessex Storm 2025.  Today, we have pics of some Land Rover XD "Wolf" Hard Top TUM variants.  His latest photos are at the top of the mound.
March 7th Well, after the last few additions, it probably won't be a surprise to know we've now completely updated our Marmon-Herrington Mark 3 ARC index as well.  So, check it out if that interests you.
March 2nd Again, inspired by Stephen's additional photos,  I've now improved our index covering the Marmon-Herrington Mark 2 ARC.
February 28th   The March issue of Classic Military Vehicle magazine has already arrived and it contains three articles that should prove interesting to our ilk.  They are "Combat Cab" by Nick Shuttleworth, "Day of the Jackal" by Craig Allen and "Mechanized Force" by Tim Gosling.
February 25th Thanks to Stephen Tegner's help again, we have almost 40 additional photos of the Marmon-Herrington Mark 1 Armored Recon Car.  In addition, I've updated/corrected our index for that vehicle, so the link above goes there, where you can find Stephen's photos also.
February 18th We're back to Soviet equipment for a moment, this time with a new vehicle index covering the PB-4 Amphibious Armored Car.
February 14th Today we are posting an index covering the interesting new Supacat Medium Utility Vehicle (MUV), which we only learned of about a week or so ago. 
February 11th   The February issue of Classic Military Vehicle magazine has finally gotten here.  It contains the article "Cold War Communicator" by Phil Loder. The article covers the Polish OT-64 SKOT R2M Artillery Communications Vehicle.
February 6th Here's a new index covering an armored car you may not have known about: the Italian Gorgona R 2.5 Special Tasks Vehicle.
January 31st Today we've posted a new vehicle index covering the "one-off" Soviet BA-21 Armored Car.
January 29 For something a bit different, we've posted photos of the Ovik Phoenix Land Rover Public Order Vehicle.  These vehicles were previously British Military "Snatch" Landies, completely rebuilt for Police use.
January 24th Back to Russian/Soviet stuff again with the posting of a new index covering the BA-27M Armored Car.
January 22nd We've posted some photos of the Boeing Phantom Badger Combat Support Vehicle today.
January 16th I would like to welcome new sponsor, David Doyle Books.  Maybe using the word "new" to describe David's status isn't completely accurate, as he has always been very helpful to me and Warwheels over the years.  Thanks again David!
January 15th Today we're posting photos of the Vanguard APC via Milkor Pty, Ltd.
January 10th As how things sometimes go, after I post content, another provider contacts me and provides more to post.  This time new provider "FromSalekhard" has sent me a few more photos of the BA-27 Armored Car to include in our index. 
January 7th Moving in a different direction, we've added a new index covering the Soviet BA-27 Armored Car.
January 2nd Don Allen has completed another one of his model projects already this early into the new year.  This latest one is a 1/35 Airfix Ferret Mark 2 as shown serving as a Range Safety Vehicle at BATUS, circa 1987.
January 1, 2025 Happy New Year folks!  Thanks again for your support.  To start off the year, we've posted the last of our AMX-10 pics from ECPAD (for the time being) with a selection of 50 covering the "later" AMX-10RCR.  Enjoy.

Annual "What's New" Archive Listing

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