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1/35 Eduard Stryker Stowage Belts Set

Detail Set Review

By Patrick Keenan - Aurora, Illinois USA

Basic Item Information


Stryker Stowage Belts Set (For Both Trumpeter & AFV Club Model Kits)

Stock Number







Photo-Etched Brass

Kit Contents

(130) Photo Etched Parts

Retail Price

$19.95 USD


Patrick Keenan

Review Date

November 4, 2007

Review Summary*

Review Type

In Box/First Glance

Basic Positive Features

Crispness and detail level of etched pieces is very good.  The completed product should be very detailed when compared to real stowage nets.

Basic Negative Features

Complicated manner of real stowage nets directly translates to the detail set.

Overall Rating

4.17 of 5.0

Kit Accuracy Rating


Parts Fit Rating

Not Rated Yet

Parts Casting Quality/ Detail Level Rating


Decals, Marking/ Painting Information Rating

Not Rated (See Below)

Instructions/Packaging Rating



 Highly Recommended

* For information regarding the review terms, grading scale, etc. please go to the WarWheels Review FAQ/Key




Detailed Review


This review is only an "In Box" or "first Look" review. I've done a rudimentary review where I closely examined the detail parts, instruction sheet, packaging, etc. I've provided comments of my first impressions gathered while viewing the contents. I did NOT utilize the set yet, but a full build/use review is forthcoming.

I normally don’t like to present too much background info in my reviews, but the actual purpose of this detail set might be much different than what you might think when just hearing or reading it’s name: “stowage belts set” (or “stovage” in the instructions).  The aforementioned storage belts are actually a factory installed/fitted set of pseudo-cargo nets located on the top of the vehicles in the Stryker family of vehicles (Including the M1126 ICV and M1130 CV).  They are designed to efficiently secure different types of cargo, with an eye towards simplicity and quickness of use and adaptability.  However, I haven’t heard the real skinny on them from soldiers actually using them and who can attest to the nets meeting the company design goals.  In many of the photos I’ve seen of Strykers in action, they do seem like they’re being utilized though.

When I was first given the opportunity to review this Eduard Stowage Belts Set I hadn’t seen it and figured that it should be a nice little set of PE to provide some basic detail that the plastic kit companies didn’t provide themselves.  I have the Trumpeter M1126 Stryker kit and know the nets don’t come with the model.  However, I don’t have the AFV Club kit, but from the photos I’ve seen, they also don’t provide the nets either.  Little did I know that this was a complete AND VERY detailed set which contains 130 separate pieces.  Yikes, was I wrong; but in a good way…  I think.


Kit Accuracy

After checking my resources I have on this vehicle, I’ve only found a few color photos showing fairly clear views of the cargo net from above.  From what I can determine, the photos are consistent with the product Eduard gives us, except for one aspect: exact size/configuration of the nets.  I have seen many different sizes/net configurations, but I have not found any photos which show the cargo net in the exact shape/size as the ones provided by Eduard.  In fact, I’ve not found two different vehicles having the same net configuration/size.  But, since these cargo nets are supposed to be adaptable, they would/could be changed for each different stowage set up and be in all different sizes/shapes.  Therefore, I’d think that Eduard’s configuration is fine and I personally don’t think this is an issue (although I wanted you all to be aware of this – just in case). 

The main resources I used with this review are the U.S. Army website, Concord Publication’ s “Stryker Interim Armored Vehicle” by Carl Schulze and Ralph Zwilling and The Armor Modeling and Preservation Society’s (AMPS) May/June 2007 issue of “Boresight” (e.g. “The Stryker Issue).  By the way, you can see my review of Concord’s book here.

Fit of Parts

Not Rated yet.  A detailed build review is forthcoming.


Quality of Casting/ Detail Level of Parts

The quality of the photo etch parts is top notch and typical of most Eduard detail sets.  Their etching method results in crisp, clear and deep detail.  Also, no damage or blemishes appear on the set.

The detail level of each individual part is again, excellent and typical of Eduard’s high quality aftermarket sets.  The overall detail level should be outstanding taking into account the high quality etching of the individual parts and the massive amount of pieces included in this set.

Decals, Marking Information and Painting Information

There are no decals, markings or painting instructions provided for this set.  Decals and markings aren’t applicable, but it would have been nice to get a VERY basic painting reference for the cargo net.   Even just providing a color reference would have been nice as a modeler without Stryker references would have not know what color the straps are.  Both model kits don’t have any plastic parts in their design to represent the nets, and obviously they don’t explain painting them either.

FYI, color photos I have of the net show the brand new straps as white.  But even after a bit of use they become tan in color.  I’ve even heard of some of the straps being olive green, but I haven’t seen any color photos to back this up.


For this Stryker stowage set, Eduard provides a 2-sided page of color instructions. The construction process is split into 3 steps with about 8 sub-assemblies.  Their instruction sheet is decent but can be a bit confusing at times.  This situation is mostly due to the fact that this is a fairly complex stowage system and thusly a complex build process.  So, make sure you take your time to study the construction process, parts and your references (if you have them) before starting your build.

As usual, Eduard provides excellent detail set packaging and “safety” by providing a flat cardboard piece that is located in back of the PE fret.  Unless you are abusing your modeling kits or send it through the postal service unprotected, Eduard’s packaging should protect your investment.


Although the cargo nets on the top of the Stryker vehicles aren’t a huge portion of the model kits, they are very noticeable.  Being that neither Trumpeter nor AFV Club provides any nets, the Eduard set is a very fine addition to their growing family of detail sets for both companies’ kits.  You get a staggering 130 photo etched pieces in this set which turns out to be both a blessing and a curse (e.g. excellent detail vs. many parts to use).

Thanks to Eduard and IPMS/USA for providing the review sample to me.

Highly Recommended
Copyright: Patrick Keenan - November 4, 2007